Do you grind your teeth? Does your child or partner? Many people habitually clench or grind their teeth at night. This condition is known as bruxism, and it can lead to serious tooth and jaw issues. Dental night guards provide a barrier between the teeth, making tooth grinding behavior less problematic.
Visit dentists Neighbors And Herod Family Dentistry in Midlothian, VA to find out if a night guard is right for your needs. Call at (804)-794-8745 Or Schedule An Appointment Online.
What Are the Signs of Tooth Grinding?
If you grind your teeth in your sleep, you may not know that it is a problem. However, you may start to see the signs of bruxism in your everyday life. For instance, do you have any of the following issues?
- You wake up in the morning with an aching jaw, as if you have been chewing for hours.
- Your molars feel sensitive and tender, especially when you first wake up.
- Your dentist notices a pattern of worn-out enamel on the tops of your molars.
- You are experiencing decay that starts at the tops of your molars.
- You have cracks or fractures in your molars.
- Your sleeping partner says he or she can hear your teeth rub against one another when you sleep.
Don’t ignore these symptoms of potential tooth grinding. Without intervention, bruxism can lead to the loss of one or more teeth. Fortunately, it can be addressed with the help of a custom-made night guard.
How Night Guards Prevent Tooth Grinding
If Drs. Neighbors and Herod determine that a night guard would be beneficial for you, they will take impressions of your teeth and have an appliance created specifically for you. This process ensures a comfortable fit.
You will be asked to wear your night guard whenever you sleep. At first, you may find it difficult to adjust to your new dental appliance. However, most patients become accustomed to their night guards within a few days.
Not only does your night guard prevent you from grinding your molars together, but it keeps your jaw in a neutral position. If you also suffer from TMJ, your night guard can serve as a way to keep you from waking with a sore, tender jaw joint.
Contact Our Office About Oral Appliances
Would you like to learn more about oral appliances such as night guards? We can help you enjoy a better night’s sleep while you protect your teeth.
Visit dentists Neighbors And Herod Family Dentistry in Midlothian, VA to find out if a night guard is right for your needs. Call at (804)-794-8745 Or Schedule An Appointment Online.